OneSignal Reference

Destination Information






Freshpaint passes user properties to OneSignal as Data Tags. When Freshpaint receives user properties, it will update the Data Tags for the corresponding user in OneSignal. In OneSignal, you can create segments of your users based on their Data Tags.

When you call freshpaint.identify, Freshpaint will update an existing user in One Signal with Data Tags by calling their Edit tags with external user id endpoint at:

Freshpaint will only update Data Tags for users that already exist in OneSignal. Freshpaint will not create new users in OneSignal. Any user you want to update with Freshpaint will have to already exist in OneSignal.

OneSignal does not support anonymous users. Data Tags will only be passed in for identified users.


OneSignal does not support events from Freshpaint as it does not have the concept of events. It will only update Data Tags which will map to user properties. You can view Data Tags for a user under Audience > Subscriptions or Users and then select the user.

Read more about managing users in OneSignal here.

Configuration Options

Connection Mode Settings

Only server-side connection mode is available for this destination. All events will be sent to OneSignal using Freshpaint's servers. Your website will not send data directly to OneSignal. Instead, your website will send data to Freshpaint, which is translated then sent to OneSignal.

Last updated