Event Definition Filters

Event definition filters give you a way to narrow down your event definitions. You can limit event definitions to a specific page, a specific domain, or a number of other options.

Supported Properties

Freshpaint allows you to create filters on the following properties:




The name of the browser the event occurred in.


The domain the event occurred on.


For events that are clicks on links, the URL to where the link goes.


The portion of the URL that comes after the domain for where the event occurred.

Target Text

For events that are clicks, the text of the element that was clicked on.

Supported Filters

Freshpaint allows you to filter the above properties with the following filters:




Contains checks that the property value contain the given string of characters. As an example, the value freshpaint contains the string paint.

Does not contain

Allows you to search for property values that do not contain the given string of characters.


Matches allows you to use * to match any string of characters. This allows you to match certain URL patterns. As an example, the URL pattern /docs/*/page/* will match both the property values /docs/directory1/page/abc and /docs/directory2/page/123.

Does not match

Allows you to search for values that do not match any string of characters.


Equals checks that the property value is the same as the provided string.

Does not equal

Checks that the property value is not the same as the provided string.

Any of

This will match on any of the values selected for a given property, granting the ability to do some simple OR logic within a given property.

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